Mike's Corner
July/August,  2004

The Art Launching a Jet Airplane


      The launching of a jet airplane is a detailed inspection of the working condition of the plane. Under normal circumstances a crew chief, which I was for four years, follows a technical manual as to the proper things to look at while preparing the aircraft for launch. The crew chief would be connected with the aircrew by a microphone cord with a connection in the wheel-well. This cord and headset would be a communication link with the cockpit as the crew chief would go into the starting of the engines and also go through a series of flight control checks that prepare the aircraft for flight. The first step is to put the electrical power onto the aircraft. The ground power unit is an operated jet propelled turbine for hot air gases and also external electrical power. After putting the power onto the aircraft, the crew chief stretches the air hose onto the ground under the fuselage of the aircraft and blows it out by activating the switch on the power unit momentarily. It is very hot, so the crew chief very carefully completes the motion. After shutting off the switch, the crew chief hooks up the air hose to the input valve on the aircraft, on the left side of the fuselage. This is done because the left engine [ #1 ] is started first. By this time the aircrew is ready to communicate with the crew chief. Sometimes the procedure is rushed because the take-off time is running short, so the launch goes by very rapidly. I perfered to launch with hand signals instead of being connected to the plane. I was able to go through the tech order book for signals and took to them like a fish to water.


My Love of my Life

     My wife of about four years is the best that has happened to me. We were growing up never knowing each other and never meeting. Our families never came together at all. We kept separate lives until we met. We finally met in 1998 on the job at the interview. We both got the jobs. I always had the faith in God to accept my fate and I always knew that I could of met my love of life. I always knew that when I met a girl, I would know that it was the real thing, the love of lifetime. With this girl, I feel that way. So everyone, have faith and don't rush into and say to casual sex; because this is  not the way of true love. True love comes the heart and you know when it comes to you.

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